
Legal notice

[vc_row font_color= »#000000″ type= »boxed »][vc_column][vc_column_text]Responsible for the content :

Florence Beauloye

Belgium, Liège

VAT BE0872 988 419

+ 32 (0)472 75 53 36

Intellectual Property Protection

The collections represented on this page are protected by national and international conventions and laws governing copyright and right of drawings and models. ‘Florence Beauloye’ is a registered mark.


Acceptance of site “User Charter” Terms

By accessing and consulting the site www.florence-beauloye.com, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by all the provisions of this User Charter. These Terms of Use may be modified by the site editor, without notice; we invite you to visit this page on a regular basis. 
The www.florence-beauloye.com website is reserved for personal, non-commercial use by internet users and all the material is published for information only.

Site Access and Consultation

The www.florence-beauloye.com website should be accessed in strict compliance with the applicable Belgian and international legislation. In case of automatic application of foreign national law, the latter shall be binding on the internet users. The texts, documents, photos, logos, designs and collections presented on this site are protected by the Belgian and international laws on copyright, the right of designs and models, trademark law and unfair competition law. Accordingly, any use, download, reproduction, public communication, distribution, publication, sale, adaptation of all or part of the elements present on the site is strictly prohibited and subject to prior approval of Florence Beauloye. The same goes for the creation of derivatives, in whole or in part, of the jewellery and ornament designs presented on the site. The title, design and form of the site but also its contents such as news, descriptions, illustrations, still images or movies … and their organisation, as well as any compilation of software, fundamental source code and other elements contained on the site are the property of Florence Beauloye.

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However, the internet user can freely and without prior authorisation:

  • Visit, browse, read and see the website florence-beauloye.com;
  • Print pages or photos exclusively for personal and non-profit use; transmission to a third party, consultation by a third party, dissemination, multiple reproduction, modification of these impressions is strictly prohibited;
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By accessing another site via a hyperlink, you agree that such access is at your own risk. Consequently, any direct or indirect loss resulting from your access to another site connected by a hypertext link may not incur Florence Beauloye.



The www.florence-beauloye.com website collects personal information necessary to ensure the optimal functioning of the site. This information is not used by the site www.florence-beauloye.com for commercial purposes or releases. The www.florence-beauloye.com website further agrees never to disclose this data to third parties without the explicit permission of the person or party involved. The www.florence-beauloye.com website also collects information in the files related to the opening of sessions and the users of the site. This information is used for internal purposes, such as analysis of site traffic or analysis of the profiles, and to complete the range of services offered by the site. The www.florence-beauloye.com website uses “cookies” (small pieces of information saved on the hard drive of the user, to facilitate the use of the website and customise its structure). The changes to the regulations regarding the protection of privacy can occur at any time but will be communicated to users via the website. In accordance with the Law dated 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy, all data that the user fills in on the site will be provided on request and if the user wishes, corrected for free within a reasonable time. The www.florence-beauloye.com website is responsible for the processing, storage and management of personal data. The only data to be stored are the individual email addresses reported to us by the visitors. To be removed from the database, simply send us an email to that effect. The user can at any time consult their personal data free of charge on request. The visitor can always object to the use of these data for direct marketing purposes.


Privacy Policy

Florence Beauloye.com is responsible for processing the personal data of its members and clients, and is committed to respect the law dated 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the personal data processing and any requirement applicable to the matter. The banking data related to the payment orders are only collected and processed by our PayPal service provider (the treatment of personal data is carried out in accordance with the PayPal privacy protection charter, available on its website).

Florence Beauloye.com has no access to your bank account or payment card number (such information may, however, be processed as part of a refund).

Only Florence Beauloye.com carriers and its partners will use the personal data of Members and Clients to perform the delivery and possible invoicing of the ordered products and services, contact the Members and Customers in case of problems and communicate with them in a personal way.


Law & Jurisdiction

Any dispute concerning the use of all or part of the www.florence-beauloye.com website content is subject to Belgian law. Any dispute arising from the interpretation or enforcement of the provisions of these terms of use, or the general use of the site www.florence-beauloye.com will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Liege, Belgium.
