
Beervelde’s distinction

25th exhibition in Parc de Beervelde under a radiant sun during Ascension Day’s long weekend.

Silver medal awarded to the stand of Florence Beauloye, Haute Couture Jewellery

In presence of Renaud de KerchoveValerie Lavault and the  Chair of the Ladies Jury.
Hat : Delphine Leducq (another exhibitor in Beervelde)
Picture :  Bennie Vanderpiete

I take this opportunity to warmly  thank the Parc de Beervelde‘s team that combines kindness, enthousiasm and professionalism. I especially think of especially Renaud de KerchoveValérie LavaultAnn VavedinJan VerlindeAnn Moens , Rosane Gasthuys, Wilfried, Patrick and all those I might forget.

Since 1995, the park has been classified as a preserved monument. The Garden Days happen twice a year in May and October.

They allow the maintenance of the place while spoiling the visitors and offering the exhibitors a  splendide scenery to show their work and products.